JimmyRum Navy wins Best Australian Cane Spirit

Our big girl has done it again! Matilda delivered the best Australian Cane spirit, two Golds and three Silvers for us at the Australian Distilled Spirits Awards last night. We are truly humbled by the recognition, James has not stopped smiling since and has not managed to put down the trophy. Here is the run down of what we won:
GOLD: JimmyRum Navy & JimmyRum Silver
SILVER: RumRum, JimmyRum Oaked and JimmyRum Spiced
Oh and we had a top four in the BEST VICTORIAN DISTILLERY
all the winners from last night. It was so great to see so many of our fellow distillers at the awards night, all being honoured for their amazing craftsmanship, passion and dedication. We are lucky to be in such good company
Jimmy's Originals
It's so great to get the recognition for our Navy, Silver and Oakes. They were the first three products produced by gorgeous still Matilda. Like all of our spirits they are all made to be enjoyed neat but we have had so much fun over the years creating a wide array of cocktails. You will find Navy in Jimmy's favourite cocktail the Hemingway Daiquiri, one not to be missed out on.
Start your JimmyRum Journey with our Pre-mixed Cans
If you are new to cane spirits and rum a great way to start your JimmyRum journey is with our newly launched Pre-mixed cans. The pre-mixed cans come in four different mixes; Jimmy Comet and Pear Punch which is based on the Navy, Stormy Jimmy on the Silver, and the Dirty Spiced using our Spiced.
JimmyRum RumRum
This has been a long time in the making and is our pride and joy. RumRum was recently recognised on the global stage as the best craft rum off a hybrid still at the World Rum Awards. Read more about this in our earlier blog post.